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Alleghany County

Per Capita Income

Over 90K 60 to 90 40 to 60 30 to 40 Under 30K


Per capita income is the average income earned per person in a given year. It's calculated by adding household income with group quarter income and then dividing that summation by the total number of persons represented by those two groups of persons. It is considered one of the most basic measures of economic health. There are a variety of methods of determining Per Capita Income (PCI), the method cited above is the census bureau's method.

For a better understanding of income, its best to look at the 3 major sources of income, each representing a unique group. shown below are incomes for household, families, and discretionary household income.

Below is a chart and report that shows how the county compares to the state it is located in and the nation.

Sources: STI: PopStats

Various Income Comparisons