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Over 6% 3 to 6 1 to 3 -3 to 1 Under -3%


Looking at the map on the left, areas in dark green are showing an annualized population growth of over 6%. Population growth is defined as new births less deaths plus the net of population migration (which can be +/-). Generally speaking most areas of the country are growing to some degree. For example, the nation as a whole grows on average 1.5 to 2% annually. However at a micro level, for example at the neighborhood level, that growth can be far more wide ranging. As new neighborhoods are born, larely through a positive migration (or influx) of people from other areas of the city, county, state, or nation. While others are struck by flight of its residents typically from new development that requires the residents to relocate.

The chart below shows a more macro level, how the county has grown over the past 100 years.

Sources: STI: PopStats