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Municipal Boundaries


Salem County, NJ (shown in white) has 331.86 mi² of land area and 40.69 mi² of water resources. The county is bordered by:

The county's elevations range from a low of 0' to a high of 200.1', with a weighted average of 40.7' above sea level.

Temperatures range from average lows around 25.4°F to average highs around 87.5°F. A year-round daily temperature averages 55.6°F. Average annual precipation is 50.2". With these temperatures and precipation, the majority of the county scores as an 7A using the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map (the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which perennial plants are most likely to thrive in a location).

The estimated population of Salem County is 65,408 with 25,437 households. These households are spread across 12 unique municipalties (not all shown).