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Tunica County

Average Persons per Household

Over 3 2.5 to 3 2.2 to 2.5 1.5 to 2.2 Under 1.5


Persons Per Household, a.k.a. Average Household Size, is the total number of persons living in a household divided by the total number of households. The U.S. Census Bureau defines a household as a housing unit occupied by one or more people. This includes people living alone, as well as groups of unrelated people sharing a home, such as roommates or partners. It is important to note that persons living in a group quarters situation, for example a college dormitory, are not counted in the calculation.

The average household size has been consistently decreasing in size since 1960, where it was 3.33 persons per household. In today's climate, the majority of households in the United States are either single-person or two-person households.

Below is a chart and report that shows how the county compares to the state it is located in and the nation.

Sources: STI: PopStats

Persons per Household Comparisons

Data Topic Tunica County  Mississippi  Nation 
Total Households 3,8591,178,514130,444,503
Average Persons per HH 2.542.482.55

Persons per HH

1 Person 1,310348,60435,832,949
2 Person 993374,81942,955,638
3 Person 575192,04220,327,086
4 Person 444145,73417,083,766
5 Person 23770,9368,266,105
6 Person 16728,8633,583,692
7 and Over 13317,5162,395,267

Per Cent Persons per HH

1 Person 33.9529.5827.47
2 Person 25.7331.8032.93
3 Person 14.9016.3015.58
4 Person 11.5112.3713.10
5 Person
6 Person 4.332.452.75
7 and Over 3.451.491.84