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DeSoto County

Median Household Income ('000s)

Over 125 95 to 125 65 to 95 35 to 65 Under 35


The map on the left, shows the dispersion of median incomes throughout DeSoto County.

Median income is where half the people in an area are under that median income value and the other half are above that value. In the case of the map on the left, the darker areas show where the median income is the highest. An interesting use of median income is in comparing various areas. If one area shows a median income lower than another, you can say that area has a less prosperous population without having to analyze the numbers beyond the median itself.

Below is a chart and report that shows how the county compares to the state it is located in and the nation.

Sources: STI: PopStats

Household Income Comparisons

Data Topic DeSoto County  Mississippi  Nation 
Households 71,3061,178,514130,444,503
Under 25K 8,740268,42718,667,065
25 to 50 11,821263,59022,498,986
50 to 75 12,131200,80820,817,119
75 to 100 10,751145,95816,835,288
100 to 125 8,588101,87513,392,439
125 to 150 6,16566,5389,756,464
150 to 175 4,74746,5737,912,934
175 to 200 3,52235,7626,102,184
200 to 250 2,71427,4958,101,106
250 to 500 1,16311,6473,465,386
Over 500K 9649,8412,895,532
Median 81,29656,52079,523
Average 97,20977,567110,589