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Coahoma County

Per Cent Social Security Recipients

Over 25% 20 to 25 15 to 20 10 to 15 Under 10%


The map on the left shows the percentage of people receiving Social Security Benefits in Coahoma County. Social Security is a federal program that provides financial assistance to people throughout their lives:

  • •  Retirement: Benefits for retired workers and their families.
  • •  Disability: Benefits for disabled workers and their families.
  • •  Survivor: Benefits for survivors of deceased workers.
  • •  Family: Benefits for families.
  • •  Medicare: Medical care to individuals.

Social Security is funded primarily by taxes paid by employees, their employers, and self-employed people. Other sources of income include interest on investments and income from the taxation of benefits.

The amount of Social Security benefits a person receives depends on their earnings and when they choose to start receiving benefits. Below is a chart and report that shows how the county compares to the state it is located in and the nation.

Sources: STI: PopStats

Social Security Comparisons

Data Topic Coahoma County  Mississippi  Nation 
Total Population 20,9633,014,539340,981,027


Total 5,574682,57463,994,681
Retirees 3,204447,87846,638,061
Disabled 1,134114,3597,712,960
Survivor 33644,2603,732,597
Spouses 11515,4912,099,586
Children 78560,5863,811,477

Per Cent on SSA

Population 26.5922.6418.77
Retirees 15.2814.8613.68
Disabled 5.413.792.26
Survivor 1.601.471.09
Spouses 0.550.510.62
Children 3.742.011.12

Historical SSA Population

2015 5,692647,39858,442,792
2016 5,689653,33359,372,418
2017 5,653661,62060,375,125
2018 5,648668,90561,361,959
2019 5,659677,47162,501,746
2020 5,598681,22263,280,100
2021 5,588681,85563,659,040
2022 5,574682,57463,994,681