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Coahoma County

Ethnicity Spread

  White Black Hispanic Other


The map on the left is unique, in that it shows concentration of the ethnic groups by neighborhood (block groups) throughout Coahoma County.

Ethnic groups is defined as the major races in the U.S. plus hispanics (latinos) as a separately identifiable group. The only group that might be confusing is the group identified as "other". This group is defined based on the area of the country the county is located in. In most cases the group is associated with Asians, but can be interpreted as American Indian, Alaskan Native, or Pacific Islander. Use the associated reports for a more clear understanding of the definition of "Other" for this county. It is very important to understand that just because an area shows a majority of a ethnic groups it does not preclude the presents of other ethnic groups in that same area.

Below is a chart and report that shows how the county compares to the state it is located in and the nation.

Sources: STI: PopStats

Ethnic Spread Comparisons

Data Topic Coahoma County  Mississippi  Nation 
Population 20,9633,014,539340,981,027


White 4,2221,694,040199,754,403
Black 15,8331,090,51540,790,083
Asian 8131,58519,755,420
Hispanic 365102,77463,444,678
Native American 4613,4302,165,235
Hawaiian 0990606,523
Other 41681,20514,464,685


American 786322,03616,589,068
Mexican 22257,70337,917,063
Puerto Rican 110,4436,352,733
Cuban 03,4512,463,482
Dominican 01,8702,095,657
Central American 10212,4995,599,760
South American 04,5994,139,001
Other Hispanic 4012,2094,876,982
Chinese 34,2454,339,939
Japanese 01,006833,362
Korean 02,1241,757,817
South Central Asian 167,6855,328,550
South East Asian 4912,3726,054,332
Other Asian 134,1531,441,420
British 981193,40218,320,687
Dutch 208,9142,095,999
French 7741,7574,234,412
German 35196,66627,005,758
Italian 37134,65210,024,871
Polish 77,7775,210,883
Scandinavian 4415,1996,561,603
Scotch Irish 780211,95422,892,484
Other European 10744,90710,886,436
Middle Eastern 1106,8992,144,229
Other Ancestry 13,9551,156,07572,844,824
Unclassified 2,882725,52256,197,917


Persons Over 5 Years 19,7162,850,929322,479,915
English 19,2752,737,817252,661,371
Spanish or Spanish Creole 33168,64142,621,144
French or French Creole 04,1362,133,718
German or Deutsch 03,3281,521,014
Russian Polish Oth Slavic La 01,1152,188,755
Other Indo European Language 768,3116,210,046
Mandarin 03,9963,600,871
Korean or guk eo 01,1321,127,553
Vietnamese 06,0361,576,993
Other Asian Languages 03,5123,271,705
Tagalog and Oth Pacific Lang 02,5901,773,476
Arabic 342,7751,375,078
Other Languages 07,5402,418,191