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Municipal Boundaries


Kent County, MI (shown in white) has 848.93 mi² of land area and 23.01 mi² of water resources. The county is bordered by:

The county's elevations range from a low of 593.8' to a high of 1,049.9', with a weighted average of 795.9' above sea level.

Temperatures range from average lows around 14.9°F to average highs around 83.7°F. A year-round daily temperature averages 48.1°F. Average annual precipation is 41.4". With these temperatures and precipation, the majority of the county scores as an 5B using the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map (the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which perennial plants are most likely to thrive in a location).

The estimated population of Kent County is 669,429 with 255,999 households. These households are spread across 20 unique municipalties (not all shown).

What follows is a brief decription of the major municipality in this county:

Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids, Michigan, stands as a vibrant and dynamic city in the western part of the state, exuding a unique blend of history, culture, and modernity. Known for its friendly community, thriving arts scene, and diverse attractions, Grand Rapids has become a destination that caters to a wide range of interests.

At the heart of Grand Rapids is its commitment to the arts. The city is known for its dedication to public art, with numerous outdoor installations adorning streets, parks, and buildings. One of the most iconic landmarks is the "La Grande Vitesse," a massive, vibrant red sculpturein Calder Plaza that symbolizes the city's forward-thinking and artistic spirit. Art enthusiasts can explore galleries and museums, including the Grand Rapids Art Museum, which showcases a rich collection of paintings, sculptures, and contemporary art.

Beyond its artistic flair, Grand Rapids is renowned for its craft beer scene. The city has earned the title "Beer City, USA" due to its numerous craft breweries and beer festivals. Visitors can embark on the Beer City Ale Trail, discovering a diverse range of local brews and experiencing the unique atmosphere of each brewery. The annual Beer City USA festival celebrates this craft beer culture, drawing enthusiasts from near and far.

Grand Rapids boasts an array of parks and recreational spaces for those seeking a taste of the outdoors. The Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park is a botanical paradise featuring meticulously curated gardens, sculptures, and a tropical conservatory. Millennium Park, one of the largest urban parks in the country, offers miles of trails, beaches, and opportunities for water-based activities.

The city's dedication to sustainability is evident in its emphasis on green spaces and eco-friendly initiatives. The Grand Rapids Downtown Market is a LEED Gold-certified facility that showcases the region's agricultural bounty with an array of local vendors, artisanal products, and culinary delights. This commitment to sustainability aligns with the overall ethos of the community.

Grand Rapids is not just a haven for art and nature; it also boasts a rich history in its architecture and landmarks. Heritage Hill, one of the nation's largest urban historic districts, is a neighborhood where visitors can stroll through tree-lined streets and marvel at beautifully preserved 19th and early 20th-century homes. The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum and the Public Museum contribute to the city's historical narrative, offering insights into the region's past and impact on the nation.

Grand Rapids showcases it's small city charm through the events and festivals hosted throughout the year. The Festival of the Arts, held annually in June, transforms the city center into a lively celebration of creativity, featuring performances, art exhibitions, and a diverse range of food vendors. The city's commitment to inclusivity is evident in events like LaughFest, one of the nation's largest comedy festivals, which raises funds for Gilda's Club Grand Rapids, a community organization supporting individuals and families dealing with cancer.

Grand Rapids seamlessly blends the old and the new, the artistic and the outdoors, creating a welcoming and dynamic atmosphere for residents and visitors. Whether exploring its cultural institutions, savoring local craft brews, or immersing oneself in its natural beauty, Grand Rapids offers a rich tapestry of experiences that make it a Midwest staple.
