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Sherman County

Per Cent Social Security Recipients

Over 25% 20 to 25 15 to 20 10 to 15 Under 10%


The map on the left shows the percentage of people receiving Social Security Benefits in Sherman County. Social Security is a federal program that provides financial assistance to people throughout their lives:

  • •  Retirement: Benefits for retired workers and their families.
  • •  Disability: Benefits for disabled workers and their families.
  • •  Survivor: Benefits for survivors of deceased workers.
  • •  Family: Benefits for families.
  • •  Medicare: Medical care to individuals.

Social Security is funded primarily by taxes paid by employees, their employers, and self-employed people. Other sources of income include interest on investments and income from the taxation of benefits.

The amount of Social Security benefits a person receives depends on their earnings and when they choose to start receiving benefits. Below is a chart and report that shows how the county compares to the state it is located in and the nation.

Sources: STI: PopStats

Social Security Comparisons