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Clay County

Per Cent in Poverty

Over 40% 25 to 40 10 to 25 0.5 to 10 Under 0.5%


The map on the left, shows the dispersion of poverty throughout Clay County.

Household poverty is defined as those households who fall below a poverty threshold as defined by the Federal government. For more details about poverty thresholds, visit the US Census Bureau.

Poverty transcends people working at minimum wage, even when holding multiple jobs. Seniors living on fixed incomes. Wage earners suddenly out of work. Poverty strikes all age groups and races, although statistics show not evenly.

Below is a chart and report that shows how the county compares to the state it is located in and the nation.

Sources: STI: PopStats

Households in Poverty Comparisons

Data Topic Clay County  Indiana  Nation 
Total Households 10,8692,736,934130,444,503

In Poverty

Households 1,104331,47816,086,150
Married Couples 23948,6032,770,580
Male Householder 1217,808802,259
Female Householder 35380,5483,792,106
Non Households 484163,0157,891,808
Students 1621,504829,397

Per Cent in Poverty

Households 10.1612.1112.33
Married Couples 2.201.782.12
Male Householder 0.110.650.62
Female Householder 3.252.942.91
Non Households 4.455.966.05
Students 0.150.790.64