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Catoosa County

Per Cent Home Renter

Over 90% 70 to 90 50 to 70 30 to 50 Under 30%


The map on the left shows the percentage of home renters in Catoosa County. For households just getting started this is the most common housing option. Renting a home means ...

  • •  Greater flexibility in living options
  • •  Lower up-front costs than owning
  • •  No long-term commitment
  • •  No maintenance costs or repair bills
  • •  No real estate taxes

Base on various studies, neighborhoods with high percentages of rented homes tend to be more risky over time. Thereby creating a poorer environment for raising children, creating long term relationships and development of a stronger neighborhood (e.g. crime prevention and civic pride)

Sources: STI: PopStats

Owner/Renter Comparison

Data Topic Catoosa County  Georgia  Nation 
Total Population 69,66011,234,673340,981,027


Owner Occupied 20,1012,715,89084,315,969
Renter Occupied 6,8611,501,01046,128,534
Vacant 1,702412,02213,710,083
Total Housing 28,6644,628,922144,154,586

Per Cent Housing

Owner Occupied 70.1358.6758.49
Renter Occupied 23.9432.4332.00
Vacant 5.948.909.51