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Municipal Boundaries


Montgomery County, AL (shown in white) has 785.35 mi² of land area and 14.56 mi² of water resources. The county is bordered by:

The county's elevations range from a low of 88.6' to a high of 639.8', with a weighted average of 277.4' above sea level.

Temperatures range from average lows around 37.7°F to average highs around 94.2°F. A year-round daily temperature averages 67.5°F. Average annual precipation is 54.1". With these temperatures and precipation, the majority of the county scores as an 8A using the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map (the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which perennial plants are most likely to thrive in a location).

The estimated population of Montgomery County is 228,885 with 93,056 households. These households are spread across 2 unique municipalties (not all shown).

What follows is a brief decription of the major municipality in this county:


Montgomery, Alabama, serves as the capital of the state and a symbol of the American Civil Rights Movement. Nestled along the banks of the Alabama River, Montgomery has evolved into a vibrant and dynamic city that pays homage to its past while embracing the present.

At the heart of Montgomery's historical significance is its role in the Civil Rights Movement. The city gained international attention when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus, leading to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The Rosa Parks Museum and Library now stand as a tribute to her courage and the broader struggle for civil rights. Visitors can explore exhibits that chronicle this pivotal moment, providing insight into the community's commitment to progress.

Montgomery's historic downtown area is a treasure trove of antebellum architecture, showcasing the city's rich heritage. The Alabama State Capitol, a neoclassical marvel, is where Jefferson Davis took the oath as President of the Confederate States of America. The First White House of the Confederacy offers a glimpse into the lives of Confederate leaders during the Civil War.

The city's commitment to education is evident through its institutions, such as Alabama State University and Huntingdon College. These establishments contribute to Montgomery's intellectual vibrancy, fostering an environment that values learning and academic achievement.

Montgomery's numerous museums and performing arts venues reflect its cultural landscape. The Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts features a diverse collection of artworks, while the Alabama Shakespeare Festival brings the magic of live theater to the community. The city's event calendar has festivals celebrating everything from music and literature to food and diversity.

Nature enthusiasts will find solace in Montgomery's outdoor spaces. Blount Cultural Park offers a peaceful retreat for residents and visitors alike with its serene lakes and walking trails. The city's commitment to green spaces is further exemplified by the Montgomery Zoo, providing families with an opportunity to connect with wildlife and nature.

Montgomery's economy has diversified over the years, with sectors such as aerospace, manufacturing, and healthcare playing key roles. The city's strategic location at the crossroads of major highways and rail lines enhances its accessibility, making it an attractive destination for businesses and industries seeking a central hub in the Southeast.

The culinary scene in Montgomery reflects the city's diverse influences. From traditional Southern comfort food to international cuisine, the city's restaurants offer many options for food enthusiasts. The blend of flavors mirrors the cultural diversity that defines Montgomery.

Transportation infrastructure in Montgomery includes major highways, making it easy for residents and visitors to navigate the city and its surroundings. The Montgomery Regional Airport provides air travel options.
