The Basics
In order to find a hotel that you desire you should follow these three easy steps.
- Pick a state
- Choose a city within that state
- Press the button named 'Get Hotels'
In a few seconds a list hotels located in the city you
indicated will appear both on the map and on the side panel.
In addition, other hotels in the surrounding areas will also be displayed
Choosing a hotel from the side panel will show you on the map where that hotel
is located, plus a small information box allowing you to find out more about the hotel or
make a reservation at that hotel.
You may also pick directly from the map, by clicking on the 'push pin' symbol. This action will
also show you some basic information about the hotel and the opportunity to make a reservation.
Making a reservations
To make a reservation select the hotel you desire eith from the map or the side panel.
Then pick "More Info" from the pop-up on map. From here you can make your reservation.
The Pull-down Menus
The following pull-down menus are available to help refine your search
- State - Shows the list of 50 states plus the District of Columbia
- City - Shows a list of all cities supported by Ersys in the state chosen. Important: other cities
not listed in the menu may still be available by choosing a larger city near by.
- Area - In the cases of very large cities, we have found showing more that 125 hotels on the map
becomes somewhat bewildering, therefore we divide the city in quadrants (that looks something like
a tic-tac-toe diagram). With each square named after a compass direction. The middle square is simply called "Central".
- Chain - Many travelers prefer to stay at specific hotel chains. This menu allows your searching to be limited
to a specific chain.